
Library Plug-Ins

Omni Automation Libraries are specialized plug-ins that provide the means for storing, using, and sharing Omni Automation functions. They make automation tasks easier by dramatically shortening scripts, and they enable the ability to share useful routines with other devices.


Instance Properties

Here is the basic template for a single-file library plug-in:

Basic Single-File Library

/*{ "type": "library", "targets": ["omnigraffle","omnioutliner","omnigraffle","omniplan"], "identifier": "com.omni-automation.all.libraryName", "version": "1.0" }*/ (() => { const myLibrary = new PlugIn.Library(new Version("1.0")); myLibrary.myFirstFunction = function(passedParameter){ // function code return myFirstFunctionResult }; myLibrary.mySecondFunction = function(passedParameter){ // function code return mySecondFunctionResult }; lib.info = function(){ var libProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(lib) libProps.forEach((propName, index) => { if (index != 0){console.log(" ")} console.log("•", propName) var item = lib[propName] if (typeof item === "string"){ console.log(item) } else if (typeof item === "function"){ console.log(item.toString()) } else if (typeof item === "object"){ if(item instanceof Version){ console.log(item.versionString) } else if(item instanceof PlugIn){ console.log(item.identifier) } } }) }; return myLibrary; })();

Here’s a script demonstrating how to identify the libraries contained within a plug-in:

Get Names of Libraries within Plug-In

var plugin = PlugIn.find("com.omni-automation.all.date-library") var libs = plugin.libraries //--> [[object PlugIn.Library: Optional("all-date-library") v1]] var libNames = libs.map(lib => lib.name) console.log(libNames) //--> ["all-date-library"]

Here’s an example script statements calling functions within a library:

Calling Library Functions

// locate the library’s parent plug-in by identifier var plugin = PlugIn.find("com.YourIdentifier.NameOfPlugIn") if (plugin == null){throw new Error("Library plug-in not installed.")} // load a library identified by name var firstLibrary = plugin.library("NameOfFirstLibrary") // load a library identified by name var secondLibrary = plugin.library("NameOfSecondLibrary") // call a library function by name var callResult = firstLibrary.nameOfLibraryFunction() // call a library function by name secondLibrary.nameOfLibraryFunction(callResult)

Date Library

The following example library from the Date class documentation, is a single-file plug-in containing date comparison functions. This Omni Automation library can be called from within scripts or plug-ins for any of the Omni applications. TAP|CLICK the “Download Library” button to download the library plug-in archive.

The library, once installed, can be loaded and called in scripts using the following statements:

Calling the Date Library

var plugin = PlugIn.find("com.omni-automation.all.date-library") var dateLibrary = plugin.library("all-date-library") // dateLibrary.function-to-call() dateLibrary.info()

The example library includes a function titled info() that returns the names and values of all of the library’s properties and functions. Adding this function to the libraries you create is a good practice, and provides users with a quick way to learn how to use your library.

Library Info Function

lib.info = function(){ var libProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(lib) libProps.forEach((propName, index) => { if (index != 0){console.log(" ")} console.log("•", propName) var item = lib[propName] if (typeof item === "string"){ console.log(item) } else if (typeof item === "function"){ console.log(item.toString()) } else if (typeof item === "object"){ if(item instanceof Version){ console.log(item.versionString) } else if(item instanceof PlugIn){ console.log(item.identifier) } } }) }

NOTE: In order to have the function code returned correctly when the library info() function is called, align your functions in the library to be flushed to the left side — removing some of preceding tabs:

The Date Comparison Library

/*{ "type": "library", "targets": ["omnifocus","omnigraffle","omnioutliner","omniplan"], "identifier": "com.omni-automation.all.date-library", "author": "Otto Automator", "version": "1.1", "description": "A library of date functions." }*/ (() => { const lib = new PlugIn.Library(new Version("1.1")); // returns true if provided date/time occurs today lib.dateOccursToday = function(dateToCheck){ var cal = Calendar.current var now = new Date() var midnightToday = cal.startOfDay(now) var dc = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(midnightToday) dc.day = dc.day + 1 var midnightTomorrow = cal.dateFromDateComponents(dc) return ( dateToCheck >= midnightToday && dateToCheck < midnightTomorrow) } // returns true if provided date/time took place yesterday lib.dateOccurredYesterday = function(dateToCheck){ var cal = Calendar.current var now = new Date() var midnightToday = cal.startOfDay(now) var dc = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(midnightToday) dc.day = dc.day - 1 var midnightYesterday = cal.dateFromDateComponents(dc) return ( dateToCheck >= midnightYesterday && dateToCheck < midnightToday) } // returns true if the provided date/time takes place tomorrow lib.dateOccurrsTomorrow = function(dateToCheck){ var cal = Calendar.current var now = new Date() var midnightToday = cal.startOfDay(now) var dc = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(midnightToday) dc.day = dc.day + 1 var midnightTomorrow = cal.dateFromDateComponents(dc) dc = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(midnightToday) dc.day = dc.day + 2 var dayAfterTomorrow = cal.dateFromDateComponents(dc) return (dateToCheck >= midnightTomorrow && dateToCheck < dayAfterTomorrow) } // returns true if the provided date/time takes place next week lib.dateOccursNextWeek = function(dateToCheck){ var fmatr = Formatter.Date.withStyle(Formatter.Date.Style.Short) var weekStart = fmatr.dateFromString('next week') var dc = new DateComponents() dc.day = 7 var followingWeek = Calendar.current.dateByAddingDateComponents(weekStart, dc) return (dateToCheck >= weekStart && dateToCheck < followingWeek) } // returns true if the provided date/time takes place this month lib.dateOccurrsThisMonth = function(dateToCheck){ var cal = Calendar.current var currentMonthIndex = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(new Date()).month var targetMonthIndex = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(dateToCheck).month return (targetMonthIndex === currentMonthIndex) } // returns true if the provided date/time takes place next month lib.dateOccurrsNextMonth = function(dateToCheck){ var cal = Calendar.current var dc = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(new Date()) dc.day = 1 dc.month = dc.month + 1 var nextMonth = cal.dateFromDateComponents(dc) var nextMonthIndex = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(nextMonth).month var targetMonthIndex = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(dateToCheck).month return (nextMonthIndex === targetMonthIndex) } // returns true if the provided date/time takes place on the provided target date lib.dateOccursOnTargetDate = function(dateToCheck, targetDate){ var cal = Calendar.current var targetDateStart = cal.startOfDay(targetDate) var dc = cal.dateComponentsFromDate(targetDateStart) dc.day = dc.day + 1 var dayAfterTargetDate = cal.dateFromDateComponents(dc) return ( dateToCheck >= targetDateStart && dateToCheck < dayAfterTargetDate) } lib.info = function(){ var libProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(lib) libProps.forEach((propName, index) => { if (index != 0){console.log(" ")} console.log("•", propName) var item = lib[propName] if (typeof item === "string"){ console.log(item) } else if (typeof item === "function"){ console.log(item.toString()) } else if (typeof item === "object"){ if(item instanceof Version){ console.log(item.versionString) } else if(item instanceof PlugIn){ console.log(item.identifier) } } }) } return lib; })();

Calling the Library

Here’s an example script calling the single-file library from another script or plug-in:

Call Date Comparison Library

var plugin = PlugIn.find("com.omni-automation.all.date-library") var dateLibrary = plugin.library("all-date-library") var date = new Date(new Date().setHours(25, 15, 0)) if (dateLibrary.dateOccurrsTomorrow(date)){console.log("Tomorrow!")}

If the library is part of a plug-in bundle, it can be called by simply appending the library file name (no file extension) to the “this” keyword. Here’s the code for a example bundle plug-in action that calls a library in the bundle:

Calling a Bundle Plug-In Library

(() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(function(selection, sender){ this.library("all-date-library").info() }) action.validate = function(selection, sender){ return true }; return action; })();