Plug-In: Append Mail Link to Note

Presents a form interface for entering the parameters used to create a mailto link (Recipient, Subject, CC, BCC, Body) that is appended to the note of the selected task. For the Body parameter “\n” will be replaced with a paragraph return. Provided values (except for the subject) will be retained and retrieved in subsequent uses.

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Mail Link Form Interface
Append Mail Link to Note

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnifocus"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.of.append-mail-link-to-note", "version": "1.5", "description": "Presents a form interface for entering the parameters used to create a mailto link (Recipient, Subject, CC, BCC, Body) that is appended to the note of the selected task. For the Body parameter “\n” will be replaced with a paragraph return.", "label": "Append Mail Link to Note", "shortLabel": "Add Mail Link", "paletteLabel": "Add Mail Link", "image": "envelope" }*/ (() => { var preferences = new Preferences() // NO ID = PLUG-IN ID const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ // DEFAULTS // NOTE: subject is disabled so that the value is the title of the selected task var defaultLinkTitleValue = "(Mail Link)" var defaultRecipientValue = null var defaultCcValue = null var defaultBccValue = null //var defaultSubjectValue = null var defaultBodyValue = null var defaultShouldPlaceOnClipboard = false var linkTitleValue = preferences.readString("linkTitleValue") if(!linkTitleValue){linkTitleValue = defaultLinkTitleValue} // RETRIEVE STORED FORM PARMATER VALUES var recipientValue = preferences.readString("recipientValue") if(!recipientValue){recipientValue = defaultRecipientValue} var ccValue = preferences.readString("ccValue") if(!ccValue){ccValue = defaultCcValue} var bccValue = preferences.readString("bccValue") if(!bccValue){bccValue = defaultBccValue} //var subjectValue = preferences.readString("subjectValue") //if(!subjectValue){subjectValue = defaultSubjectValue} var bodyValue = preferences.readString("bodyValue") if(!bodyValue){bodyValue = defaultBodyValue} var shouldPlaceOnClipboardValue = preferences.readBoolean("shouldPlaceOnClipboardValue") if(!shouldPlaceOnClipboardValue){shouldPlaceOnClipboardValue = defaultShouldPlaceOnClipboard} // OBJECT REFERENCE FOR SELECTED PROJECT/TASK var item = selection.databaseObjects[0] // CREATE THE FORM AND ELEMENTS var mailtoForm = new Form() var linkTitleInput = new Form.Field.String("linkTitle", "Link Title", linkTitleValue) var recipientsInput = new Form.Field.String("recipient", "Recipient", recipientValue) var ccInput = new Form.Field.String("cc", "Cc", ccValue) var bccInput = new Form.Field.String("bcc", "Bcc", bccValue) var subjectInput = new Form.Field.String("subject", "Subject", var bodyInput = new Form.Field.String("body", "Body", bodyValue) var clipboardInput = new Form.Field.Checkbox( "shouldReplaceClipboard", "Put link on clipboard", shouldPlaceOnClipboardValue ) mailtoForm.addField(linkTitleInput) mailtoForm.addField(recipientsInput) mailtoForm.addField(ccInput) mailtoForm.addField(bccInput) mailtoForm.addField(subjectInput) mailtoForm.addField(bodyInput) mailtoForm.addField(clipboardInput) mailtoForm.validate = function(formObject){ var recipient = formObject.values['recipient'] var cc = formObject.values['cc'] var bcc = formObject.values['bcc'] if(recipient){ if (/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(recipient)){ recipientStatus = true } else { throw "ERROR: not a valid recipient address." } } else {throw "NOTE: A recipient address is required."} if(cc){ if (/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(cc)){ ccStatus = true } else { throw "ERROR: not a valid Cc address." } } if(bcc){ if (/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(bcc)){ bccStatus = true } else { throw "ERROR: not a valid Bcc address." } } return true } var formPrompt = "Mail Parameters:" var buttonTitle = "OK" var formObject = await, buttonTitle) // RETRIEVE VALUES var linkTitle = formObject.values['linkTitle'] var recipient = formObject.values['recipient'] var cc = formObject.values['cc'] var bcc = formObject.values['bcc'] var subject = formObject.values['subject'] var body = formObject.values['body'] var shouldReplaceClipboard = formObject.values['shouldReplaceClipboard'] // CONSRUCT MAILTO: URL var args = []; if (cc){ args.push('cc=' + cc); } if (bcc){ args.push('bcc=' + bcc); } if (subject){ args.push('subject=' + encodeURIComponent(subject)); } if (body){ args.push('body=' + encodeURIComponent(body).replaceAll("%5Cn","%0A")) } var url = 'mailto:' + recipient if (args.length > 0){ url += '?' + args.join('&') } // CREATE THE LINK OBJECT linkURL = URL.fromString(url) linkTitle = (linkTitle) ? linkTitle:defaultLinkTitleValue // APPEND TO NOTE if(app.userVersion.versionString.startsWith("4")){ noteObj = item.noteText linkObj = new Text(linkTitle, newLineObj = new Text("\n", style = linkObj.styleForRange(linkObj.range) style.set(Style.Attribute.Link, linkURL) if (noteObj.string.length > 0){noteObj.append(newLineObj)} noteObj.append(linkObj) node =[0].content.selectedNodes[0] node.expandNote(false) } else { if (task.note.length === 0){ task.appendStringToNote(url) } else { task.appendStringToNote(`\n${url}`) } } // PLACE ON CLIPBOARD if(shouldReplaceClipboard){Pasteboard.general.string = url} // STORE THE NEW VALUES preferences.write("linkTitleValue", linkTitle) preferences.write("recipientValue", recipient) preferences.write("ccValue", cc) preferences.write("bccValue", bcc) preferences.write("bodyValue", body) preferences.write("shouldPlaceOnClipboardValue", shouldReplaceClipboard) }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ items = selection.databaseObjects.filter( item => (item instanceof Project || item instanceof Task) ) return (items.length === 1) }; return action; })();