Plug-In: Guided Processing of Inbox Tasks

Based upon a concept by Scotty Jackson (, this plug-in will iterate the tasks in the Inbox, prompting the user to select the processing procedures (if any) to be applied to the iterated task.

This plug-in achieves the sequential display of Action Forms by incorporating an asynchronous version of the single-file plug-in that uses await statements within an asynchronous wrapper rather than relying on explicit Promise handlers. When used within a standard JavaScript for loop, an individually selected set of form interfaces can be displayed in sequence for each of the inbox tasks.

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Process Inbox

/*{ "type": "action", "targets": ["omnifocus"], "author": "Otto Automator", "identifier": "com.omni-automation.of.process-inbox", "version": "1.1", "description": "A plug-in that performs operations with the contents of the inbox.", "label": "Process Inbox", "shortLabel": "Process Inbox", "paletteLabel": "Process Inbox", "image": "checkmark.rectangle.stack.fill" }*/ (() => { const action = new PlugIn.Action(async function(selection, sender){ try { await new Alert("Process Inbox", "Based upon a concept by Scotty Jackson.").show() processableTasks = inbox.filter(item => { itemsTaskStatus = item.taskStatus if( itemsTaskStatus === Task.Status.Available || itemsTaskStatus === Task.Status.DueSoon || itemsTaskStatus === Task.Status.Overdue ){return true} }) inboxCount = processableTasks.length if(inboxCount === 0){ throw { name : "Missing Items", message : "The Inbox does not contain any tasks whose status is Available, Due Soon, or Overdue." } } taskIDs = => masterOperationsList = ["Rename", "Assign to Project", "Assign Tag", "Set Defer Date", "Set Due Date", "Flag/UnFlag", "Add/Edit Note", "Complete", "Drop"] masterOperationIndexes = new Array() masterOperationsList.forEach((item, index) => {masterOperationIndexes.push(index)}) console.log("masterOperationIndexes", JSON.stringify(masterOperationIndexes)) var i; for (i = 0; i < taskIDs.length; i++) { console.log(i) taskID = taskIDs[i] task = Task.byIdentifier(taskID) taskName = console.log(taskName, taskID) // PROMPT USER FOR TASK PROCSSSING alertTitle = "CONFIRM" alertMessage = `TASK (${i + 1}/${inboxCount}): ${taskName}` alert = new Alert(alertTitle, alertMessage) alert.addOption("Process") alert.addOption("Skip") alert.addOption("Stop") buttonIndex = await console.log("button", buttonIndex) if(buttonIndex === 1){continue} if(buttonIndex === 2){throw "user canceled"} console.log("choose processing options") // PROCESSING OPTIONS inputForm = new Form() taskPrompt = "Processing options:" multiOptionMenu = new Form.Field.MultipleOptions( "operationsKey", taskPrompt, masterOperationIndexes, masterOperationsList, [] ) inputForm.addField(multiOptionMenu) inputForm.validate = function(){return true} formMessage = `TASK (${i + 1}/${inboxCount}): ${taskName}` formButton = "Process" formObject = await,formButton) taskOperationIndexes = formObject.values['operationsKey'] console.log("taskOperationIndexes", JSON.stringify(taskOperationIndexes)) // RENAME TASK if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(0)){ console.log("RENAME", taskID) var namingForm = new Form() var nameInputField = new Form.Field.String( "newName", "Name", taskName, null ) namingForm.addField(nameInputField) namingForm.validate = function(namingFormObj){ newName = namingFormObj.values["newName"] if(!newName){return false} return (newName.length > 0)?true:false } var formMessage = "Enter new name for task:" var formButtonTitle = "Rename" namingFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) newName = namingFormObj.values["newName"] = newName taskName = newName } // ASSIGN TO PROJECT if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(1)){ console.log("ASSIGN TO PROJECT", taskID) var projectSearchForm = new Form() var textInputField = new Form.Field.String( "targetProjectName", null, null, null ) projectSearchForm.addField(textInputField) projectSearchForm.validate = function(searchFormObj){ targetProjectName = searchFormObj.values["targetProjectName"] if(!targetProjectName){return false} return (targetProjectName.length > 0)?true:false } var formMessage = "Search for project:" var formButtonTitle = "Search" var projectSearchFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) var targetProjectName = projectSearchFormObj.values["targetProjectName"] var projectSearchResults = projectsMatching(targetProjectName) console.log("projectSearchResults", projectSearchResults) console.log("projectSearchResults.length", projectSearchResults.length) if(projectSearchResults.length === 0){ var projectNamingForm = new Form() var textInputField = new Form.Field.String( "targetProjectName", null, null, null ) projectNamingForm.addField(textInputField) projectNamingForm.validate = function(searchFormObj){ targetProjectName = searchFormObj.values["targetProjectName"] if(!targetProjectName){return false} return (targetProjectName.length > 0)?true:false } var formMessage = "No matches, enter name for new project:" var formButtonTitle = "Create" var projectNamingFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) var targetProjectName = projectNamingFormObj.values["targetProjectName"] var project = new Project(targetProjectName) moveTasks([task], project) } else if (projectSearchResults.length === 1){ moveTasks([task], projectSearchResults[0]) } else { // get names of matching projectSearchForm var projectTitles = => var projectIndexes =, index) => {return index}) var projectAssignmentForm = new Form() var projectsMenu = new Form.Field.Option( "matchingProject", null, projectIndexes, projectTitles, 0 ) projectAssignmentForm.addField(projectsMenu) projectAssignmentForm.validate = function(){return true} var formMessage = "Select matching project:" var formButtonTitle = "Add Task" var projectAssignmentFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) var targetProjectIndex = projectAssignmentFormObj.values["matchingProject"] var parentProject = projectSearchResults[targetProjectIndex] moveTasks([task], parentProject) } } // ASSIGN TAG if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(2)){ console.log("ASSIGN TAGS", taskID) var tagTitles = => var tagIDs = => var tagIndexes =, index) => {return index}) if(tagTitles.length > 0){ var tagOptionsForm = new Form() var multiOptionMenu = new Form.Field.MultipleOptions( "tagTitles", null, tagIndexes, tagTitles, [] ) tagOptionsForm.addField(multiOptionMenu) var formMessage = "Select the tags to assign:" var formButtonTitle = "Add Tags" var tagOptionsFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) task.clearTags() var targetTagsIndexes = tagOptionsFormObj.values["tagTitles"] targetTagsIndexes.forEach(tagIndex => { var tag = Tag.byIdentifier(tagIDs[tagIndex]) task.addTag(tag) }) } else { // create new tag var tagCreationForm = new Form() var textInputField = new Form.Field.String( "newTagName", null, null, null ) tagCreationForm.addField(textInputField) tagCreationForm.validate = function(searchFormObj){ var newTagName = searchFormObj.values["newTagName"] if(!newTagName){return false} return (newTagName.length > 0)?true:false } var formMessage = "No tags. Enter new tag:" var formButtonTitle = "Create" var tagCreationFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) task.clearTags() var newTagName = tagCreationFormObj.values["newTagName"] task.addTag(new Tag(newTagName)) } } // SET DEFER DATE if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(3)){ console.log("SET DEFER DATE", taskID) var defermentForm = new Form() var defermentDateInput = new Form.Field.Date( "defermentDate", null, task.deferDate, null ) defermentForm.addField(defermentDateInput) var formMessage = "Enter defer date:" var formButtonTitle = "Add Date" var defermentFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) var defermentDate = defermentFormObj.values["defermentDate"] if(defermentDate){ task.deferDate = defermentDate } else { task.deferDate = null } } // SET DUE DATE if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(4)){ console.log("SET DUE DATE", taskID) var dueForm = new Form() var dueDateInput = new Form.Field.Date( "taskDueDate", null, task.dueDate, null ) dueForm.addField(dueDateInput) dueForm.validate = function(dueFormObj){ var temptDueDate = dueFormObj.values["taskDueDate"] if(temptDueDate){ if(task.deferDate >= temptDueDate){throw "Due date must come after defer date."} } return true } var formMessage = "Enter due date:" var formButtonTitle = "Add Date" var dueFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) var taskDueDate = dueFormObj.values["taskDueDate"] if(taskDueDate){ task.dueDate = taskDueDate } else { task.dueDate = null } } // SET FLAG if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(5)){ console.log("SET FLAG", taskID) var flagStatus = task.flagged var alertTitle = (flagStatus)? "Task Flagged":"Task Not Flagged" var alertMessage = "Choose flag status:" var alert = new Alert(alertTitle, alertMessage) alert.addOption("Flag") alert.addOption("Un-Flag") var flagOptionAlertButtonIndex = await if(flagOptionAlertButtonIndex === 0){ task.flagged = true } else { task.flagged = false } } // SET NOTE if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(6)){ console.log("SET NOTE", taskID) var noteForm = new Form() var taskNote = task.note var noteTextInputField = new Form.Field.String( "taskNote", null, taskNote, null ) var shouldAppendSwitch = new Form.Field.Checkbox( "shouldAppendToNote", "Append to existing note", null ) noteForm.addField(noteTextInputField) noteForm.addField(shouldAppendSwitch) var formMessage = "Enter task note:" var formButtonTitle = "Add" var noteFormObj = await, formButtonTitle) var newNote = noteFormObj.values["taskNote"] var shouldAppendToNote = noteFormObj.values["shouldAppendToNote"] if (newNote === null || newNote === undefined){ newNote = "" } if(shouldAppendToNote){ task.appendStringToNote(newNote) } else { task.note = newNote } } // COMPLETE if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(7)){ console.log("SET COMPLETE", taskID) var completionStatus = task.completed var alertTitle = (completionStatus)? "Task Completed":"Task Incomplete" var alertMessage = "Choose completion status:" var alert = new Alert(alertTitle, alertMessage) alert.addOption("Mark Completed") alert.addOption("Mark Incomplete") var flagOptionAlertButtonIndex = await if(flagOptionAlertButtonIndex === 0){ task.markComplete() } else { task.markIncomplete() } } // DROP if(taskOperationIndexes.includes(8)){ console.log("SET DROP", taskID) var dropStatus = (task.dropDate) ? true:false console.log("dropStatus", dropStatus) var alertTitle = (dropStatus) ? "Task Dropped":"Task Not Dropped" var alertMessage = "Choose drop status:" var alert = new Alert(alertTitle, alertMessage) alert.addOption("Drop Task") alert.addOption("Un-Drop Task") var dropStatusAlertButtonIndex = await if(dropStatusAlertButtonIndex === 0){ task.drop(true) } else { = true } } } } catch(err){ if (!err.causedByUserCancelling){ new Alert(, err.message).show() } } }); action.validate = function(selection, sender){ // validation code return (inbox.length > 0) }; return action; })();